Double Cabs: Nissan Navara, Ford Ranger, Toyota Hilux D4D


Looking for a cheap and reliable car rental ? Look no further than Chriswheels Car Rental. At Chriswheels we offer safe , smart and reliable double cabs at an affordable price. Our vehicles are fully serviced and comprehensively insured. We are here to give you an amazing service.

Price structure is as follows:

1-15 Days it's $100/day
16-30 Days it's $90/day
31 Days and above it's $80/day

Vehicle has a daily mileage of 200km/day and excess mileage charge is $0.79/km.

Note: We do free delivery around Harare


1. $300 Security Deposit
2. Copy of Driver's License
3. Copy of National ID or Passport
4. Estimated hire costs

On Offer or WantedOn Offer